
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cover Illustration for "Lady Montague"

This is one of my latests artworks, done during summer 2013 for the novel "Lady Montague" written by Sofía Navarro.
*Spanish edition is titled "La Señora de Montesco"
Final Cover Illustration
Sofía had a clear idea of what she wanted for the cover, the main character looking to Verona city and holding a carnival mask. From that idea I did  some perspective/poses sketches including a lot of variants worried about how she hold the mask and how if the viewer can see see her face.

From a couple of selected sketches I did two color rough schemes. After Sofía selected one of them, I started to work with that one. Finally we used a more simple mask, according to the text's age, and the viewer cannot see her face.

I spent a lot of time working in the city to get a dramatic view, as well as some details like her hair and dress. At the end, I am very happy with the result.

I hope you like it ;)

Color Process

Working with Sofía Navarro has been a great pleasure, since the time we get in touch, I realized that she is a hardworker storyteller, one of this people that knows where she is going, my best wishes for her. Lady Montague will be available soon at Amazon, here you have some links to the author:
Sofía's blog "The Grown Mermaid"
Sofía's books at Amazon 
Sofia at Twitter

English Edition
Spanish Edition


  1. Me gusta mucho, pero la primera en rojo con la melena lisa y ese toque asiático en los trazos ¡me enamora!


    1. Muchas gracias, a mi también me gustó esa opción aunque no encajaba bien con el libro, la use para otro dibujo que contaré en el próximo post ;)

  2. Me encanta cómo te ha quedado al final. En azul destaca más la chica en la ciudad, como si ése fuese la única preocupación de la que habla el libro; en cambio, en rojo, me da la sensación de que va a juego con el resto de la ciudad, como si fuese una más.

    Felicidades por el trabajo, Charro :)

    1. Lo del azul fue un acierto, lo sugirió un amigo de Sofía y creo que con mucho ojo como dices. Gracias!
