
Monday, February 16, 2015

Races artwork for Steam States

Human sketches
 As I told you in my previous post, here you have the 9 races with some of the sketches that I did for the roleplaying game Steam States published by Edge Entertainment. As happened with some of the characters, some of them were clear in their descriptions and with some others we tried different designs to find the good one. Also some of the scenarios required different tests and designs.


Elf sketches


Garlak sketches


Ghobb sketches


Gnome sketches

Gorn sketches


Orc sketches


Warga sketches


Yurita sketches
 That's all for now, next day I'll show you the cover art process.
As always, thanks for coming ;)

Edge Entertainment website
Steam States page

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Character Art for Steam States

About a year ago I was requested by Edge Entertainment to work in the roleplaying game Steam States. I did 15 characters, 9 races and the cover+backcover artwork for this western-fantasy-steam roleplaying game. 

I worked with David Ardila (Edge's Art Director) and the game's author developing the designs. For some of them we worked over previous designs by another artist but also we changed some designs to fit other issues different than the previous ones.   
As you will see in the process pics, I started with some mini sketches before starting the color phase. Sometimes we were more interested in the pose and general shapes and some others required some detail tests to look for the right one. Five of the characters fits the idea of "badass cowboy", so I used the same sketches group to find their pose and attitude.

That's all for now, next day I'll show you more. Thanks to David Ardila and Edge Entertainment for having me on board in this project.

And I hope you enjoy this visit to my Cave :)

Edge Entertainment website
Steam States page

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cover Art for "La Biblia de los Caídos, Tomo I del Testamento de Jon"

Final Cover Art
 By the end of 2014 I was commissioned to do the cover art for the new appendix of The Bible of the Fallen (La Biblia de los Caídos). The Bible of the Fallen is a book's saga created by Fernando Trujillo Sanz and this book has been written by Juan G. Mesa.

Juan G. Mesa provided a good briefing with some ideas and references focused in the hooded main character in a field with the choice of having an old building surrounded by flames. From that briefing I did some sketches changing the point of view and the zooming. The chosen one was the first one from the series below but we decided to enlarge the moon like happened in other sketches.

From that sketch I go on painting with colors. The general blue has something to do with the first cover of the saga that I did a couple of years before and we used a red sweatshirt to stand out the character's silhouette.

Thanks to Fernando Trujillo and Cesar García for trusting me again and thanks to Juan González Mesa for his collaboration in the artwork process.
And, thank you all for visiting my Cave


Book at Amazon 
Fernando Trujillo Sanz author's profile at Amazon
Fernando Trujillo's website
Juan González Mesa author's profile at Amazon

Cover Sketches

Painting Process

Final Cover Layout