
Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Grande Temple of Jing III

Lay of the Dead Lords

And here you have my third post with five more interior illustrations and processes for the upcoming The Grande Temple of Jing, "the Dungeoncrawl that rules them all" developed by Hammerdog Games. As I told you before I did more than 70 pics so, these are only a preview of what yo will find in the book.

Thanks for coming to my Cave ;)

 *You can see more pics for this book in my previous posts: I & II


Lay of the Dead Lords process

Dragon Gate
Dragon Gate process

Gravecaves process

Harpy Town

Harpy Town process
The Forge
The Forge process

Monday, November 17, 2014

Western Art for "Plata de Ley" by Nosolorol Publishing

Cover + backcover illustration
Plata de ley, written by Diego López and published by Nosolorol publishing is a RPG adventure set in the wild west. For the cover we wanted a simple but strong idea that undoubtedly fits the western ambience. In order to keep it simple we played with a cowboy bandit silhouette to get the one. Once we got a favorite, sunset and oranges-reds were the chosen light and colors. Of course, the train and cowboys has something to do with the adventure. I finally added some dust to bring it some dirty-old feeling.

Cover Sketches

Cover Painting Process

 For the characters (I did four of the nine included in the book) the author Diego López had provided some references from films. I felt that his characters idea was to get some kind of "league of extraordinary western characters" so I didn´t hesitate to be obvious with some film character references.

Instead of my classic step by step I have enlarged my work file to show you most of the layers I have used in the work (too much space would be required to show everyone). Some of them are photoreferences, others are sketches or different color versions. I hope you like this approach to my workflow.



Pancho Castillo

El chico (the kid)

No so much else to say, I am always happy to work in far west stuff. Thanks to Nosolorol and Diego López for they trust.

Thanks again for coming to my cave.
I hope you enjoy the visit.


Nosolorol Page
Product Page

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cover Art for "Cultos Innombrables" (Nameless Cults) by Nosolorol Ediciones

close up

RPG book "Cultos Innombrables" (Nameless Cults) was finally released last week. Here you have the process and sketches I did for the cover about six months ago. This was one of the first arworks I did working from Nosolorol office where I work directly with the creator and also chief publisher Manuel J. Sueiro.

We started to work with the idea of a girl summoning some kind of Cthulhu mythos' force. From that idea I did a lot of rough sketches and we started to select and discard some of them looking for the right POV and attitude. Even in the color phase, she turned from the initial half-frightened girl to a final defiant character shouting to the monster. Against the common cliche of the girl being sacrificed, roles turned back and she appears sacrificing a Deep One. That turn of roles have a lot to do with what you would find in the book, where characters go a step further from the classic "heroes against monsters" to a more contemporary view where good and evil is always relative.

Since traditional Cthulhu game happens in the 20s we also wanted to show that the game happens nowadays so we show a mix of contemporary and ancient stuff. Due to the same reason, we placed her in a modern office building with the city in the background. I really enjoyed imagining the action happening in that dark office which some seconds back was almost quiet, except for her voice whispering some kind of summoning spell. 

Finally, as an old fashioned Cthulhu RPG player I have to say that I love this book and it is just the step needed to go over the cliches, keeping the mystery and darkness of Cthulhu Myths. So, I wish a long life for this Nameless Cults ;)

Thanks for visiting my cave.
Have fun, and summon something ;D



Digital Painting Process
Digital Painting Process close up

Final Artwork

Printed Book

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Grande Temple of Jing II


Here you have some more interior illustrations and processes for the upcoming The Grande Temple of Jing, "the Dungeoncrawl that rules them all" developed by Hammerdog Games.

Have fun and survive the Dungeon ;)

 *You can see more pics in the previous post


River of Gold

Temple of Serpent


Xorn Poker

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Grande Temple of Jing I

Original back cover (now relocated)

The Grande Temple of Jing is one of the biggest projects on which I have worked. In total there were more than seventy illustrations that give image to a book with more than three hundred pages. Some of them illustrate texts written by acclaimed authors of Role world and the fantasy world, such as Monte Cook, Ed Greenwood, Jim Ward, Larry Wilhelm, Skip Williams or Jonathan Tweet, among many others.

Working with Danny O’neill (owner of Hammerdog Games) is always a pleasure. He has a very good understanding of how to do an interesting adventure or scenery for players. I started working for Danny on 2011 with this picture so it has been a long time working in this project. At the beginning of 2013 Hammerdog Games did a succesful kickstarter campaign that boost the project and enlarged the book. Since it is in final layout phase I start a series of posts to show my artwork for the book with Danny's permission.

You can know more about The Grande Temple of Jing and other products by Hammerdog Games in their website

Original back cover pencils
Entry Chamber

Entry Chamber - Process

Underground Sea

Underground Sea - Process

Welcoming Chamber

Welcoming Chamber - Process

The Caretaker

The Caretaker - Process

Front Doors

Front Doors - Process

Golden Entry

Golden Entry Process

Chamber of Rays

Chamber of Rays - Process

Armor Shrine of Korchak

Armor Shrine of Korchak - Process

Eggs Chamber
Eggs Chamber - Process